Group News
2024/02/01: Anirban is a Hawthorne Dissertation Research Fellow of 2023-24.
2023/06/15: Mr. Sahil Pradhan will join our group from Fall 2023.
2023/03/31: Anirban is a 2023-24 Just Julian Graduate Research Fellow.
2023/03/6: Anirban presented his work at the APS March Meeting.
2022/11/14: Anirban is a doctoral candidate.
2022/10/14: PPMS Dynacool is now installed and ready.
2022/03/18: Dr. Guchhait is a 2DCC-MIP Resident Scholar Visitor.
2022/02/11: Dr. Guchhait is a KITP Fellow for 2022-23.
2021/08/15: Welcome to two new graduate students: Mr. Emmanuel Yakubu and Mr. Anirban Goswami.
2021/08/01: PPMS Dynacool delivered to the laboratory.